We now have the confirmation of the exact time and venue details for the next Business meeting of the ICA Commission on SDI and Standards. The full business meeting will take place in hybrid mode:
- Venue: Room Altana, Thursday, 16.12.2021, 08:45-10:15 MEZ (UTC+1)
- Online participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82112538257?pwd=b0I3VFUrbG04Y0hCcTVUZVo3d2Z1dz09, Meeting ID: 821 1253 8257, Passcode: icc2021.
You are all invited and very welcome to join the Commission’s meetings and to share your input for our further programme.
Let us initiate further collaborative research on topics related to SDI and Standards as well potential activities in 2022 and 2023!