As co-chair of our commission I have the opportunity to contribute to the AGSE 2019 conference “Digital Landscapes: Chances for Development” at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HFT Stuttgart).
The conference will take place September 11 – 14, 2019, at HFT Stuttgart. It is organized by Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany, co-organized by the ICA Commission on SDI and Standards and the Laboratory for interoperable, and open-source Geospatial Software, Data and Standards (HFT ICA-OSGeo-Lab).
Due to the developments in the recent years we will focus the following fields:
- Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and Crowdsourcing,
- Earth Observation,
- Geo-portals and Geodata Infrastruktures, collaborative data custodianship.
Other related topics are welcome as well!
The conference will also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Master Programme “Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics”. The Master of Science program started with the first batch 20 years ago, meanwhile there is a global network of about 500 alumni graduated from the program. Since its beginning, the course is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in its program for Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS).
For those colleagues not being able to participate in-situ in Stuttgart, we are happy to announce a special event: a 24-hour online Webinar around the world! This enables you to share your findings with the audience according to your timezone without traveling.
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